Frequently Asked Questions

When will we see Joe's next book?          Plans for a new novel in the fall

How did Joe become a writer?                A birthday typewriter at age 12

What authors does Joe admire?              Baldacci, Patterson, Koontz, Wolfe, Grisham & King

What is Joe's writing process?                 Joe writes every morning for at least three hours

Does Joe write every day?                        He writes six days a week, Sunday is optional

Is Joe working on any tv or movies?         He's working on ideas with director friend Peter Foldy

How can I contact Joe?                              Through the Contact form on the website

How do I book Joe for an event?               Contact

Does Joe work with new writers?              Joe loves to work with new writers

Does Joe have any pets?                            He has two dogs; Snoop Dogg and Beauregard (Beau)